International Conference in Computational Intelligence |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICCIA - Number 4 |
March 2012 |
Authors: Mukta Gahlawat, Dal Singh, Poonam Bansal, Darshna |
Mukta Gahlawat, Dal Singh, Poonam Bansal, Darshna . Node Wise Optimization Strategy Proposal and Analyses of Routing Protocols for MANET using NCTUns 6.0. International Conference in Computational Intelligence. ICCIA, 4 (March 2012), 1-5.
Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are defined as category of wireless network that utilize multi-hop radio relaying. These are capable of operating without support of any fixed infrastructure or centralized management. In MANETs network organization is carried out by the nodes themselves. Every node is capable to work as a sender, destination or as a forwarding node. Absence of base station or central coordinator makes routing a complex task as compared to cellular network. Path setup for a call between two nodes is completed through intermediate mobile nodes. It is a not easy problem for searching and maintaining an effective route for transporting some data information. Many researcher have done analyses of some existing routing protocols for MANETs like AODV, DSDV, DSR. But in this paper we will do node wise analysis for chosen network. We have taken various performance metrics like dropped packets, packets collided, number of incoming and outgoing packets and throughput on each and every node. On the basis of result for each node, we have tried to propose an optimization strategy using soft computing concepts for better performance of network. We have used network simulator NCTUns 6.0 to study the relative performance of the routing protocols according to different metrics for each node.