International Conference in Computational Intelligence |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICCIA - Number 4 |
March 2012 |
Authors: Sarika Patil |
Sarika Patil . Talent management & Retention. International Conference in Computational Intelligence. ICCIA, 4 (March 2012), 16-20.
This paper is an attempt to give the relastic view about talent management and retention. The most valuable asset of a 21st -century institution, whether business or non business, will be its talent workers and their productivity. Talented workers are the key source of competitive advantage for the todays companies. Today, talented workers account for major chunk of the workforce in developed nations. Talented workers will do thinge spectacularly , if only they are managed well. Human resource manager have to understand their needs & expectations and deliver the same. Knowledge workers are high on skill sets and capabilities that others are found wanting in. So, the Human resource manager have to managed them effectively and effeciently and retained them for the future growth of the organization. Knowledge workers are undoubtedly the soundest asset for an organization. This asset can be appreciated or turned into a libility. It all boil down to one simple thing â manage them properly. In this paper the author tries to focus on the problems and prospects in managing the talented employees at the work place and how to retain them in the organization. The author also would like to suggest the solutions to the problems faced by the HR manager in managing the talented employees