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Morpheme Segmentation for Highly Agglutinative Tamil Language by Means of Unsupervised Learning

Published on March 2015 by Ananthi Sheshasaayee, Ananthi Sheshasaayee
International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICCCMIT2014 - Number 1
March 2015
Authors: Ananthi Sheshasaayee, Ananthi Sheshasaayee

Ananthi Sheshasaayee, Ananthi Sheshasaayee . Morpheme Segmentation for Highly Agglutinative Tamil Language by Means of Unsupervised Learning. International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology. ICCCMIT2014, 1 (March 2015), 32-35.

author = { Ananthi Sheshasaayee, Ananthi Sheshasaayee },
title = { Morpheme Segmentation for Highly Agglutinative Tamil Language by Means of Unsupervised Learning },
journal = { International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology },
issue_date = { March 2015 },
volume = { ICCCMIT2014 },
number = { 1 },
month = { March },
year = { 2015 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 32-35 },
numpages = 4,
url = { /proceedings/icccmit2014/number1/19768-7011/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology
%A Ananthi Sheshasaayee
%A Ananthi Sheshasaayee
%T Morpheme Segmentation for Highly Agglutinative Tamil Language by Means of Unsupervised Learning
%J International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%N 1
%P 32-35
%D 2015
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

To understand human language is one of the major challenges in the field of intelligent information systems. Morphological processing is the first step to be done in many Natural language processing applications. This task becomes crucial for morphological rich languages. This paper illustrates the importance of unsupervised morphological segmentation algorithms for the problem of morpheme boundary detection for Tamil language which are highly inflectional and agglutinative in morphology. This paper serves as ground work to represent the various methods and the comparative study among the selection of the algorithms which is based on highly agglutinative languages like Kannada, Finnish and Bengali. The prime advantages of these algorithms elevate to the efficient morphological processing of Tamil language

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Inflection Morphological Segmentation Natural Language Processing Suffix Unsupervised Learning