International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICAST2015 - Number 2 |
February 2016 |
Authors: Nivedita Shankar Mahadik, Sheetal Bhujade |
Nivedita Shankar Mahadik, Sheetal Bhujade . Design of Multilayer Micro Strip Antenna Array for Fixed WiMax Application. International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology. ICAST2015, 2 (February 2016), 21-24.
This paper presents the design of Multi layer parasitic MSA Array concerned on enhancement of gain at 5. 8 GHz forWi-Max application. Micro strip patch antenna array is designed by using different substrates. First layer element is made of FR4 substrate while other layers are of different substrates. The antenna provides better gain after adding the patch elements. Wi-Max application. Micro strip patch antenna array is designed by using different substrates. First layer element is made of FR4 substrate while other layers are of different substrates. The antenna provides better gain after adding the patch elements. Array concerned on enhancement of gain at 5. 8 GHz for Wi-Max application. Micro strip patch antenna array is designed by using different substrates. First layer element is made of FR4 substrate while other layers are of different substrates. The antenna provides better gain after adding the patch elements.