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Benefits of NoSQL Databases

Published on February 2019 by Harish Kumbhar, Edberg Kinny, Kevin Fernandes, Shirshendu Maitra
Leveraging Information Technology for Inter-Sectoral Research
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ICAIM2017 - Number 1
February 2019
Authors: Harish Kumbhar, Edberg Kinny, Kevin Fernandes, Shirshendu Maitra

Harish Kumbhar, Edberg Kinny, Kevin Fernandes, Shirshendu Maitra . Benefits of NoSQL Databases. Leveraging Information Technology for Inter-Sectoral Research. ICAIM2017, 1 (February 2019), 11-13.

author = { Harish Kumbhar, Edberg Kinny, Kevin Fernandes, Shirshendu Maitra },
title = { Benefits of NoSQL Databases },
journal = { Leveraging Information Technology for Inter-Sectoral Research },
issue_date = { February 2019 },
volume = { ICAIM2017 },
number = { 1 },
month = { February },
year = { 2019 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 11-13 },
numpages = 3,
url = { /proceedings/icaim2017/number1/30382-1703/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 Leveraging Information Technology for Inter-Sectoral Research
%A Harish Kumbhar
%A Edberg Kinny
%A Kevin Fernandes
%A Shirshendu Maitra
%T Benefits of NoSQL Databases
%J Leveraging Information Technology for Inter-Sectoral Research
%@ 0975-8887
%V ICAIM2017
%N 1
%P 11-13
%D 2019
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

NoSQL (not just sql) is a database that is utilized to store vast measure of information. NoSQL databases are distributed, open source, non-social and are additionally on a level plane adaptable (in direct way). NoSql does not take after property of corrosive as we follow in sql. In our exploration paper, we have reviewed NoSql, its experience, essentials like corrosive, base and top hypothesis. Database gives an instrument to capacity and recovery of information which is displayed in wording other than the forbidden relations utilized as a part of social . Databases like these have existed since the late 1960s, however did not acquire the ''no sql " moniker until a surge of prevalence in the mid twenty –first century ,activated by the requirements of web 2. 0 organizations, for example, Facebook , Google, And amazon. com NoSQL databases are progressively utilized as a part of huge and ongoing web applications

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  7. Intersimone, D. (2010), "The end of SQL and relational database? (Part 2 of 3)", Computerworld,10 February, available at: http://blogs. computerworld. com/15556/the_end sql_and_relational_database_part_23 (accessed 30 July 2012)
  8. Leavitt, N. (2010), "Will NoSQL databases live up to their promise?", Com puter, Vol. 43 No. 2, pp. 12-14.
  9. Pokorny´ , J. (2011), "NoSQL databases: a step to database scalability in web environment", Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications & Services (iiWAS) 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, ACM, New York, NY, pp. 278-83
  10. Pritchett, D. (2008), "BASE: an ACID alternative", ACM Queue, May/June, pp. 48-55. NoSQL introduction presentation https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=qI_g07C_Q5IData scaling problem presentation http://www. infoq. com/presentations/The-Evolving-Panorama-of-Data
  11. In depth analysis of data models used in NoSQL solutions http://highlyscalable. wordpress. com/2012/03/01/nosql-data-modeling-techniques/Images were borrowed from http://www. couchbase. com/why-nosql/nosql-database http://gigaom. com/2011/03/04/twitters-success-pulls-23-year-old-objectivity-into-nosql
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Etl Nosql Key-value Store Document Store Column Store Graph Store