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Crop Identification by using Real Time Object Detection

Published on January 2025 by Sandhya Umrao, Sanjay Kumar, Vivekta Singh, Kanika Singhal
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023
Control System labs
ICAIDSC2023 - Number 3
January 2025
Authors: Sandhya Umrao, Sanjay Kumar, Vivekta Singh, Kanika Singhal

Sandhya Umrao, Sanjay Kumar, Vivekta Singh, Kanika Singhal . Crop Identification by using Real Time Object Detection. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023. ICAIDSC2023, 3 (January 2025), 18-23. DOI=10.5120/icaidsc202421

@article{ 10.5120/icaidsc202421,
author = { Sandhya Umrao, Sanjay Kumar, Vivekta Singh, Kanika Singhal },
title = { Crop Identification by using Real Time Object Detection },
journal = { International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023 },
issue_date = { January 2025 },
volume = { ICAIDSC2023 },
number = { 3 },
month = { January },
year = { 2025 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 18-23 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/icaidsc2023/number3/crop-identification-by-using-real-time-object-detection/ },
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%0 Proceeding Article
%1 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023
%A Sandhya Umrao
%A Sanjay Kumar
%A Vivekta Singh
%A Kanika Singhal
%T Crop Identification by using Real Time Object Detection
%J International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023
%@ 0975-8887
%N 3
%P 18-23
%D 2025
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

Computer vision techniques have been used in every field nowadays and find a wide range of application in agriculture field too due to their fast response and high accuracy. Several applications of computer vision are self-driving cars, the camera of the mobile phones and detection of faces. One of the most popular techniques in computer vision is real time object detection, it is not difficult in humans but for machines difference between main objects and other objects has to be trained. In this paper deep learning is used for detecting and identifying crops using YOLO (You Only Look Once) approach. For recognition and detection of crops, effective training needs to be carried out. The prime reason for using YOLO algorithm is that it looks the image completely by outlining the bounding regions of objects to be detected.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computer vision Deep Learning YOLO Bounding regions