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Blockchain Architecture and Consensus Mechanisms: Challenges, Innovations, and Future Trends

Published on January 2025 by Nancy Sethi
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023
Control System labs
ICAIDSC2023 - Number 3
January 2025
Authors: Nancy Sethi

Nancy Sethi . Blockchain Architecture and Consensus Mechanisms: Challenges, Innovations, and Future Trends. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023. ICAIDSC2023, 3 (January 2025), 28-35. DOI=10.5120/icaidsc202423

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issue_date = { January 2025 },
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Bitcoin's underlying era, blockchain, has attracted quite a few interests recently. Blockchain acts as an immutable ledger that permits decentralized transaction processing. A growing number of industries, consisting of monetary offerings, reputation management, and the internet of things (IoT), are relying on blockchain technology. Blockchain era still faces several boundaries, inclusive of scalability and security problems that want to be addressed. This paper presents an intensive introduction to blockchain technology. First, we provide a brief creation to blockchain architecture earlier than contrasting some not unusual consensus methods utilized in diverse blockchains. We also in short evaluate the technical difficulties and recent advances. We additionally define capability blockchain traits for the destiny.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Scalability decentralization consensus and blockchain