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Certificate Verification using Blockchain

Published on January 2025 by Monika Sharma, Srishti Sharma, Yash Gupta
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023
Control System labs
ICAIDSC2023 - Number 1
January 2025
Authors: Monika Sharma, Srishti Sharma, Yash Gupta

Monika Sharma, Srishti Sharma, Yash Gupta . Certificate Verification using Blockchain. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023. ICAIDSC2023, 1 (January 2025), 16-19. DOI=10.5120/icaidsc202407

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author = { Monika Sharma, Srishti Sharma, Yash Gupta },
title = { Certificate Verification using Blockchain },
journal = { International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023 },
issue_date = { January 2025 },
volume = { ICAIDSC2023 },
number = { 1 },
month = { January },
year = { 2025 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 16-19 },
numpages = 4,
url = { /proceedings/icaidsc2023/number1/certificate-verification-using-blockchain/ },
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%1 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applications - 2023
%A Monika Sharma
%A Srishti Sharma
%A Yash Gupta
%T Certificate Verification using Blockchain
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Blockchain technology is arguably best known for its use in the digital currency Bitcoin, which is even more well-known than the Blockchain technology itself. Blocks in a distributed environment—one in which storage devices are not all linked to a single processor—that makes up the Blockchain are immutable. It is a collection of records/public ledger of every digital transaction that has taken place, and information is exchanged between involved parties. The system's participants all agree to verify each submission before it is made. Blockchain data cannot be deleted once it has been inputted. A secure and open method might be offered as a result. We still need to uphold confidence in certification, and proof of learning as education becomes more diverse, decentralized, and democratic. Nowadays, everyone is required to present their documents and credentials to anyone they meet for a job or other reason. A third party cannot verify the authenticity of the certificate after seeing it. Using blockchain technology, we can get confidence or find a solution to this issue. There is no requirement for a central authority to verify certificates when using this technology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Blockchain Digital Certificates Confidentiality Integrity Availability.