International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICAET2017 - Number 4 |
July 2018 |
Authors: Rubrinder Singh Sandhu, Rajni Kamboj, Bhupinder Singh |
Rubrinder Singh Sandhu, Rajni Kamboj, Bhupinder Singh . Textural, Color and Sensory Attributes of High Fiber Cookies Supplemented with Oatmeal Flour. International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology. ICAET2017, 4 (July 2018), 21-24.
High fiber cookies prepared by substituting refined wheat flour with oatmeal flour (0-30 %). Hardness of the control cookies was 57. 05 N and it increases with addition of oatmeal flour progressively. Cookies with 30% oatmeal flour having hardness 107. 82 N. The color (L*, a*, b*) values and sensory characteristics of the prepared cookies were evaluated and compared with control sample. Whiteness of the prepared cookies decreases significantly (P<0. 05) with increase in the level of oatmeal flour. a* value increases from 5. 48-14. 27 and 8. 04-15. 13 whereas b* values from 29. 23-33. 54 and 30. 41-34. 87 for top and bottom surface, respectively. Sensory evaluation depicted that with increase in the levels of oatmeal flour (upto 10 %) improved overall acceptability. Further increase in the levels of oatmeal flour lowered the sensory score of the cookies.