International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICAET2017 - Number 3 |
July 2018 |
Authors: Krishan Kumar, Taranjit Singh Aulakh |
Krishan Kumar, Taranjit Singh Aulakh . Black Hole Attacks in MANETs: Preventions by Identification of Thick Node Method. International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology. ICAET2017, 3 (July 2018), 1-5.
When two or more computer Systems link together with the help of wire or without wire that system is called the network of a computers. A network which is self directed and distributed is known as Mobile Adhoc Network. MANETs consists of mobile nodes that are free to move in and out of the network. Computers, IPod, Mobile Phones constitute to be a Node that participates in the network. Different type of topologies can be formed on the basis of connectivity of the nodes with each other in the network. These nodes can either act as a host or router or it can act as both. These nodes can be deployed in any network and due to their dynamic topology no infrastructure or central management system is required and thus it makes the MANET vulnerable to the security attacks. In these paper two methods i. e. MN-ID broadcasting and thick node identification method were compared and it was found that the thick identification method has got an upper edge on the other method.