International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICAET2016 - Number 11 |
September 2016 |
Authors: Tanu, Inderpreet Kaur, Yuvraj Singh |
Tanu, Inderpreet Kaur, Yuvraj Singh . FINITE Element Analysis of RC Slab with or without Opening Strengthened with FRP Wraps. International Conference on Advances in Emerging Technology. ICAET2016, 11 (September 2016), 9-12.
Every structural element has its own importance. Slabs are important because through these loads are to be transferred. Thus before any construction it is necessary to test every structural component. The testing of various components is done by different ways i. e. analytically, experimentally, & numerically. Here in this study, the importance of numerical method over experimental method is studied. Since the cost of material is very high so to analyze the structure experimentally before construction is very costly. Thus it is healthier to use numerical method for analyzing. It is time efficient & cost effective. Now, for the numerical analysis finite element method is being used. In the present work, ANSYS1 tool is used for Finite Element Technique.