International Conference on Advances in Computational Techniques |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICACT2011 - Number 1 |
February 2012 |
Authors: Greeshma.T.R, Ameeramol.P.M |
Greeshma.T.R, Ameeramol.P.M . Bayesian MAP Model for Edge Preserving Image Restoration: A Survey. International Conference on Advances in Computational Techniques. ICACT2011, 1 (February 2012), 14-18.
Image restoration is a dynamic field of research. The need for efficient image restoration methods has grown with the massive production of digital images and movies of all kinds. It often happens that in an image acquisition system, an acquired image has less desirable quality than the original image due to various imperfections and/or physical limitations in the image formation and transmission processes. Thus the main objective of image restoration is to improve the general quality of an image or removing defects from it. The two main considerations in recovery procedures are categorized as blur and noise. In the case of images with presence of both blur and noises, it is impossible to recover a valuable approximation of the image of interest without using some a priori information about its properties. The instability of image restoration is overcome by using a priori information which leads to the concept of image regularization. A lot of regularization methods are developed to cop up with the criteria of estimating high quality image representations. The Maximum A posteriori Probability (MAP) based Bayesian approach provide a systematic and flexible framework for this. This paper presents a survey on image restoration based on various prior models such as tikhonov, TV, wavelet etc in the Bayesian MAP framework.