International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ICACEA - Number 4 |
March 2014 |
Authors: Tanvi Shree |
Tanvi Shree . A Minor Prototype of Personal Data Space Management System. International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications. ICACEA, 4 (March 2014), 16-20.
A personal dataspace includes all personal data of a user. This personal data is generally heterogeneous, rough and tumble in nature which is distributed over various data sources. So, a single system (Personal Data Space Management System) is needed to manage this data. In this paper, we have presented a prototype of Personal Dataspace Management System which is built on the vision presented in [1,2,3]. It represents data from different sources uniformly into triples that are similar to RDF. This paper presents the architecture of PDSMS, a MongoDB to SPARQL conversion tool and performance of MongoDB as a persistent storage.