International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems 2012 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
IC3S - Number 5 |
June 2013 |
Authors: Yogesh Yadav, Vijaya Bhadauria |
Yogesh Yadav, Vijaya Bhadauria . Frequency Compensation of Two Stage Op-Amp using Triode Mode Compensation Stage. International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems 2012. IC3S, 5 (June 2013), 16-18.
A frequency compensation technique for the improvement of unity gain bandwidth (UGB) and power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of two stage operational amplifiers is presented in this paper. Performance of proposed op-amp is compared with classical miller compensated op-amp and op-amp proposed by G. Blakiewicz [13]. The technique exploits the triode mode operation of a MOSFET in the compensation stage which leads to the improvement in the UGB and Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR). Small signal analysis for these parameters is carried out and theoretical improvements are verified through simulations in cadence VIRTUSO environment using UMC 0. 18 µm CMOS process technology.