International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems 2012 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
IC3S - Number 2 |
June 2013 |
Authors: Sayani Ghosh, Iti Saha Misra, Salil Kumar Sanyal |
Sayani Ghosh, Iti Saha Misra, Salil Kumar Sanyal . Study of the Effect of Cyclic Prefix on Different QoS Parameters in WiMax Network. International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems 2012. IC3S, 2 (June 2013), 1-3.
The Intersymbol Interference (ISI) is a common problem in high data rate communication. In OFDM transmission technique ISI is a common problem. So, Guard time length (GT) which is implemented as Cyclic Prefix (CP) to mitigate Intersymbol Interference (ISI) and to preserve orthogonality among OFDM subcarriers, plays a key parameters in OFDM. The guard time length is sufficiently greater than channel delay spread. Conventional OFDM system uses a fix GT length. This technique, however, degrades the overall spectral efficiency as well as consumes transmitter energy proportional to the length of the guard time. In this paper, the overall system performance and packet error rate (PER) are slightly improved as function of the guard time length.