National Conference on Growth of Technologies in Electronics, Telecom and Computers - India Perception |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
GTETC - Number 1 |
May 2014 |
Authors: L. K. Wadhwa, Shradha Satpute, Tejeshree S. Tapadiya, Anupam, Pallavi Lokhande |
L. K. Wadhwa, Shradha Satpute, Tejeshree S. Tapadiya, Anupam, Pallavi Lokhande . Evaluation of Various Gas Mixtures in Order to Avoid Disasters in Various Fire Zone Areas. National Conference on Growth of Technologies in Electronics, Telecom and Computers - India Perception. GTETC, 1 (May 2014), 27-30.
Provisions for periodic gas sampling so as to monitor and prevent hazardous accidents / disasters are made. This in turn has economical, social and ecological impacts involving loss of precious lives, hindrance in production and loss of machinery. Various effects due to the variation in the chemical composition of samples as compared to the normal composition of air are observed. These accidents may occur due to natural causes like lightning, grass or forest fires, self ignition leading to explosions/fires in hydrocarbons like coal, petroleum, natural gas(LPG,CNG), crude oil,wet gas or due to human errors in chemical industries or mines etc. Sample gas results are analysed with the basis of fire ratios or Explosibility triangle or Ellicott's Diagram. Using this triangle, the conclusion that the combustion will result in non-explosive (NE), explosive (E) or potentially explosive (PE) fire can be drawn.