National Conference on Growth of Technologies in Electronics, Telecom and Computers - India Perception |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
GTETC - Number 1 |
May 2014 |
Authors: K.deergha Rao, Ch. Gangadhar, P.v.murali Krishna |
K.deergha Rao, Ch. Gangadhar, P.v.murali Krishna . A Secure Scheme for Multiple Images Transmission and its VLSI Realization. National Conference on Growth of Technologies in Electronics, Telecom and Computers - India Perception. GTETC, 1 (May 2014), 20-23.
Wavelet packet-division multiplexing (WPDM) is a high-capacity, flexible, and robust multiple-signal transmission technique in which the properties of wavelet packet basis functions are used for orthogonal multiplexing. In this paper, a new algorithm based on finite field wavelet packet division multiplexing (FFWPDM) is proposed for secure orthogonal multiplexing of images. Further, VLSI architecture of the proposed algorithm is designed. The VLSI architecture is implemented on images using XILINX ISE and ModelSim to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.