Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology 2013 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
FACET - Number 1 |
December 2013 |
Authors: Md.gulzar, K. Ravindra Babu, A.vinaya Babu, S.udaya Kumar |
Md.gulzar, K. Ravindra Babu, A.vinaya Babu, S.udaya Kumar . Self-Regulated Priority based Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm. Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology 2013. FACET, 1 (December 2013), 24-29.
The main aim of this paper is to present a new scheduling algorithm even thoughthere exists good scheduling algorithms. Each scheduling algorithm is having its own merits and demerits. The proposed algorithm overcomes the demerits of existing scheduling algorithms like high average waiting time, high average turnaround time, low throughput, high number of context switches. The proposed algorithm is a preemptive algorithm which takes a time quantum to execute the processes like round robin scheduling algorithm. But the time quantum is calculated automatically depending up on the average of all burst times. And to avoid the problem of starvation high priority should be assigned for short process.