Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ETCSIT2011 - Number 1 |
July 2011 |
Authors: V.Priyadharshini |
V.Priyadharshini . Optimizing Code Reusability for Mobile Applications. Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology. ETCSIT2011, 1 (July 2011), 19-23.
Recent optimization technique in mobile application is used for games application, to reduce the memory space. In this research, a set of test cases and optimization techniques are used to reduce the memory space in mobile application. The focused features are message, contacts and calculator. A set of test scenarios are created for determining the quality and completeness of the proposed software which is experienced with GUI (Graphical User Interface). The emerged applications have various performance characteristics and bottlenecks, because performance varies across different hardware, operating systems, and mobile. The research perspective is to promote awareness of Java performance issues. So that the user can make appropriate design and implementation choices for specific applications. The performance of mobile software analysis generates a report for the memory which is used by an application. If the memory is not sufficient to load the software, the proposed software finds the lengthy names by generating test scenario. By optimizing java constructors, packages, methods, classes, unused variables and loops in the application, the execution time of the application is reduced. Finally the statistical report of the optimized value is evaluated.