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Portable Mapping of Uml Design Specifications into Object Oriented Code

Published on April 2012 by Swati Nair, Hemangini Mahajan, Mayur Sangtani, Anisha Lamba, Sharad Jondhale
Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012)
Foundation of Computer Science USA
ETCSIT - Number 5
April 2012
Authors: Swati Nair, Hemangini Mahajan, Mayur Sangtani, Anisha Lamba, Sharad Jondhale

Swati Nair, Hemangini Mahajan, Mayur Sangtani, Anisha Lamba, Sharad Jondhale . Portable Mapping of Uml Design Specifications into Object Oriented Code. Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012). ETCSIT, 5 (April 2012), 32-37.

author = { Swati Nair, Hemangini Mahajan, Mayur Sangtani, Anisha Lamba, Sharad Jondhale },
title = { Portable Mapping of Uml Design Specifications into Object Oriented Code },
journal = { Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012) },
issue_date = { April 2012 },
volume = { ETCSIT },
number = { 5 },
month = { April },
year = { 2012 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 32-37 },
numpages = 6,
url = { /proceedings/etcsit/number5/5998-1040/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012)
%A Swati Nair
%A Hemangini Mahajan
%A Mayur Sangtani
%A Anisha Lamba
%A Sharad Jondhale
%T Portable Mapping of Uml Design Specifications into Object Oriented Code
%J Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ETCSIT2012)
%@ 0975-8887
%N 5
%P 32-37
%D 2012
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

This paper proposes a stand-alone software that accepts UML Design Specifications through a simple user interface. It will generate XML code and object-oriented code for the specifications provided by the user, in parallel. Along with the generation of code, the software will also produce the graphical representation of the UML diagram, thus facilitating the easy visualization of the diagram being produced. This tool will free the software developer from the mundane task of writing simple class skeleton so he/she can concentrate on the business logic and overall architecture of his/her project, provides consistency between design and code and eliminates the unintended errors that can creep into manually written code. It will create an effective integration between the design and implementation stages. Also, due to generation of XML code, it facilitates portability. This paper concentrates mainly on class diagram and Java code that can be extended in future to cover other diagrams and other object-oriented languages

  1. Booch, G. , Rumbaugh, J. and Jacobson, "The Unified Modeling Language User Guide", Addison- Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999.
  2. University of California, "ArgoUML: An Object Oriented UML Design Tool", Tigris Open Source 2001.
  3. Justin Elsberry and Nicholas Elsberry, "Using XML and SVG to Generate Dynamic UML Diagrams" .
  4. W3C Architecture domain:Extensible Markup Language (XML). W3C, 2003.
  5. XML in 10 points. W3C, 2001.
  6. William Harrison, Charles Barton, Mukund Raghavachari, "Mapping UML design to Java".
  7. Krish Narayanan, Shreya Ramaswamy, "Specifications for Mapping UML Models to XML Schemas".
  8. Robert C. Martin, "UML Tutorial- Class diagram".
  9. Robert C. Martin, "UML for Java Programmers".
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Class Diagram Gui Object-oriented Code Portable Uml Design Specifications Xml