Emerging Trends in Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ETC2016 - Number 4 |
March 2017 |
Authors: Shoyeb K. Pathan, Satish S. Banait |
Shoyeb K. Pathan, Satish S. Banait . Removal of Shadow from a Single Image. Emerging Trends in Computing. ETC2016, 4 (March 2017), 23-27.
A frame work for detecting the shadow and removal of the shadow from a single image in the real world pictures. Till now the work on detecting the shadows had more effort for design of hand-craft features. Shadows distroits the image in computer pictures. For instance, the decrease of performance of objects recognition and object scene analysis. This shadow inpainting technique does not perform well in the case of non-uniform shadows. In the cases of shadows in dark environments, this method does not perform well for detecting the shadow. To address these issues the frame work consists of learning the features which are relevant. The Baysian formulates so that the shadow inpainting is done efficiently. The method formulates so efficiently that the shadow detection process in shadowed part is detected and the shadowed region is obtained. The proposed method improves the image quality on curved surfaces and visual quality of photographs and real world images.