Emerging Trends in Computing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ETC2016 - Number 2 |
March 2017 |
Authors: Prajakta Kulkarni, S. M. Kamalapur |
Prajakta Kulkarni, S. M. Kamalapur . Semi-Supervised Feature Selection with Constraint Sets. Emerging Trends in Computing. ETC2016, 2 (March 2017), 31-34.
In machine learning classification and recognition are crucial tasks. Any object is recognized with the help of features associated with it. Among many features only some leads to classify object correctly. Feature selection is useful technique to detect such specific features. Feature selection is a process of selecting subset of features to reduce number of features (dimensionality reduction). Semi-supervised feature selection is difficult due to scarcity of labeled samples. Here constraint based approach is proposed to efficiently select features from semi-supervised data. Constraint based approach is selected as it incorporates supervised information in processing. In the absence of labels, features can be evaluated based on locality preserving ability. Hence for semi-supervised data, properties of both labeled and unlabeled data are combined tochoose good features. Constraint based Laplacian score is used to find weight of features. To eliminate redundant features mutual information is calculated and graph based method is used to remove redundant features. Classification accuracy for different dataset is measured to check performance of system.