National conference on Digital Image and Signal Processing |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
DISP2015 - Number 3 |
April 2015 |
Authors: Pinkesh G. Kalariya, Prakash P. Gajjar, Priti J. Muliya |
Pinkesh G. Kalariya, Prakash P. Gajjar, Priti J. Muliya . DCT based Learning Approach for Image Super Resolution from Zoomed Observations. National conference on Digital Image and Signal Processing. DISP2015, 3 (April 2015), 7-11.
In this paper we propose a zoom based technique to super resolve static scene using observation captured at different camera zoom factor. We capture a static scene at different camera zoom and obtain super resolved image of entire scene at resolution of most zoom observation. Minimum absolute error criteria is used to model image features such as edges, corners etc. We utilize the fact that the local geometry of these features in the low resolution image is similar to their corresponding high resolution version. Missing high frequency details of low resolution observation are learnt in the form of discrete cosine transform coefficient from high resolution training images in the database. The experiments are conducted on real world scene and results are compared with standard interpolation techniques.