Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
DEDCE - Number 2 |
None 2011 |
Authors: Filiberto Candia Garcia, V�ctor Galindo Lopez |
Filiberto Candia Garcia, V�ctor Galindo Lopez . The Transversality of the English Language in Engineer�s Training using ICT. Design and Evaluation of Digital Content for Education. DEDCE, 2 (None 2011), 36-44.
This paper emphasizes the importance of implementing a second language and using technological resources in teaching. With the constant growth of technology, communication has had the need to advance to the point of creating environments that facilitate and sharpen this communication. Regarding to the implementation of a second language didactic sequences are taken into account. With these sequences what is intended is that students solve problems faced without the direct help of the teacher, so they can develop a critical thinking and learnt to work together. As result, evaluations will be done, and students who excel at these activities will be rewarded. The purpose of this essay is to create a different form of working, which not only benefits teachers, but students as well.