National Conference on Communication Technologies & its impact on Next Generation Computing 2012 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
CTNGC - Number 4 |
November 2012 |
Authors: Jyotsna Shaw, Olivia Saha, Atal Chaudhuri |
Jyotsna Shaw, Olivia Saha, Atal Chaudhuri . An Approach for Secured Transmission of Data using Fractal based Chaos. National Conference on Communication Technologies & its impact on Next Generation Computing 2012. CTNGC, 4 (November 2012), 13-17.
Cryptography today is assumed as the study of techniques and applications of securing the integrity and authenticity of transfer of information under difficult circumstances. This paper presents an innovative concept on Encryption/Decryption application that is able to work with image files, data files and audio files. The method of encryption is simple but competent enough to fit the needs of the day. This paper presents Chaos based cryptography where the chaos is generated by using the concept of Fractals . The technique uses a key of variable length which generates a 128 bit message digest using MD5 hash algorithm. Then the generated hash value used as a seed to generate fractals using Julia Set algorithm and this is used as a chaos for the respective files. The final encryption is performed through XOR operation on each block of data to generate the cipher file which is to be transmitted.