National Conference on Communication Technologies & its impact on Next Generation Computing 2012 |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
CTNGC - Number 4 |
November 2012 |
Authors: Subhash Chandra Yadav |
Subhash Chandra Yadav . Computerized Learning Environment for Higher Education. National Conference on Communication Technologies & its impact on Next Generation Computing 2012. CTNGC, 4 (November 2012), 6-8.
Effectiveness of teaching and learning in any subject at any institution is dependent on the instructional strategies used by the teachers. This is a major factor responsible for the level of performance in any subject by the students. Learning difficulties can be solved up to a great extent by using suitable teaching methods with proper utilization of available computer techniques and tools. Different learning approaches can be adopted for instruction in order to induce, promote and direct learning. The instructors can impart knowledge by lecture method, demonstration method, discussion method, audio visual instruction, activity method, and tutoring [1] method. But this can be enhanced up to an extent by computerized learning environment by utilizing available animation and simulation tools [4]. The research is intended to produce pattern of higher education; and a comparative analysis between CBTLM (computer based teaching and learning methods) and traditional mode/method of teachings particularly for higher education in urban area of Varanasi districts.