National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ACEWRM2015 - Number 3 |
May 2015 |
Authors: Pragati Jha, G.r.sinha |
Pragati Jha, G.r.sinha . Decomposable Pixel Filter Algorithm for Multispectral Satellite Image Denoising. National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. ACEWRM2015, 3 (May 2015), 19-24.
The multispectral images (MSI) convey high definition and authentic representation of the real world in comparison with the RGB or gray-scale images. MSI images help improve the performance measures for image processing and related information encoding tasks. Although, MSI images are often prone to corruption by various sources of noises either while procuring the images or during transmission. This paper studies an innovative MSI de-noising technique which is based on learning based morphology of bidirectional recurrent neural network. The algorithm used in the technique filters the inhomogeneous noisy pixels and the neighboring pixel bands with the noisy patches are corrected accordingly.