National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ACEWRM2015 - Number 2 |
May 2015 |
Authors: J.durga Prasad Rao, Satyendra Kurariya, Ram Krishna Akuli |
e9483bdf-8bdd-4f3d-a798-efe396ec021c |
J.durga Prasad Rao, Satyendra Kurariya, Ram Krishna Akuli . A Brief Study on Measures to Improve Cyber Network Security. National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. ACEWRM2015, 2 (May 2015), 20-22.
Security measures are of prime concern to guarantee wellbeing and unwavering quality of associations. Hacking of data and information should be seriously addressed provided they can hamper any major loss to society, nation or at the expense of universe. The researchers feel to encompass limits to have adeep understanding of probable security measures. For example – network integration, cyber issues, firewall, information filtering, error detection and preventionsystem, and security updates.