National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ACEWRM2015 - Number 2 |
May 2015 |
Authors: Siddhartha Choubey, Vikas Singh, Abha Choubey |
Siddhartha Choubey, Vikas Singh, Abha Choubey . Detection of Facial Parts based on ABLATA. National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. ACEWRM2015, 2 (May 2015), 15-19.
Facial feature detection from standard 2D RGB images is a well-researched field but out of prolific techniques there isn't amuch efficacy is achieved in the previous studies that can extract feature data even for a low quality images in real time. Hence, we propose an algorithm based on Attribute Based Level Adaptive Algorithm (ABLATA) which use recursive data estimates for this task. While the recursive data estimates learns the relation between patches of the localized segmented blocks and the location of nodes covering the region of the required regional properties of the face.