National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering |
Foundation of Computer Science USA |
ACEWRM2015 - Number 1 |
May 2015 |
Authors: Smita Marwadi, Avishkar Anand, Himadri Singh, Barkha Rani Pandey |
Smita Marwadi, Avishkar Anand, Himadri Singh, Barkha Rani Pandey . Survey Paper on the Timeline of Face Detection Techniques. National Conference Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. ACEWRM2015, 1 (May 2015), 16-21.
Research scholars have found face recognition as an important area for their work because our face is a combination of various features (facial features )like the eyes ,ears ,nose etc. Various research works have been also carried out in this area. This paper focuses on a brief survey over the currently employed techniques of face recognition along with their advantages and disadvantages applications and constraints. Some of the most general methods include Eigenface (Eigenvectors or PCA), Neural Networks, Geometric Based Template Matching approaches etc. Further this paper performs an analysis on these face recognition approaches in order to constitute face representations . This survey also deals with the factors affecting the recognition processes, recognition rates and other features that affect the face detection and face recognition techniques.