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Fulfilling Needs of Newly Enrolled Students: A Cultural Study of a Mobilized Guidance System

by Firas Omar, Tareq Alhmiedat, Ahmad Al-qerem
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 99 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Firas Omar, Tareq Alhmiedat, Ahmad Al-qerem

Firas Omar, Tareq Alhmiedat, Ahmad Al-qerem . Fulfilling Needs of Newly Enrolled Students: A Cultural Study of a Mobilized Guidance System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 99, 4 ( August 2014), 8-17. DOI=10.5120/17359-7822

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Mobile technology is becoming more popular around the world. The importance of such technology relates to its capability of allowing the user of performing many different Tasks simultaneously on daily basis. Nowadays, travelling from one place to another became easier than before. This is due to the availability of Electronic maps and guidance systems for different users. Despite the progress adding to the mobile application field, there are still some boundaries and limitations in using such devices. Some of the difficulties are connected directly to culture. Other difficulties are related to the lack of experience in using such technology and how far would a user trust such technology. In this research, light will be spotted on the idea of providing a guidance mobile application for the newly enrolled students to Zarqa University. Additionally, main restrictions and obstacles which limit the use of the mobile handset as a guide system will be taken into considerations. The research aim extends to studying the effect of cultural issues on the proposed system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Culture HCI Usability Trust