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A Review of Requirement Engineering Issues and Challenges in Various Software Development Methods

by Tejas Shah, S V Patel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 99 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Tejas Shah, S V Patel

Tejas Shah, S V Patel . A Review of Requirement Engineering Issues and Challenges in Various Software Development Methods. International Journal of Computer Applications. 99, 15 ( August 2014), 36-45. DOI=10.5120/17451-8370

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The Requirement Engineering (RE) is a systemic and integrated process of eliciting, elaborating, negotiating, prioritizing, specifying, validating and managing the requirements of a system. The detailed and agreed requirements are documented and specified to serve as the basis for further system development activities. The software industry has moved from traditional software development method to service oriented software development. While many researchers and practitioners have observed issues and challenges in Requirement Engineering phase specific to a software method, very little attention has been given to investigate diversity of issues and challenges of RE in different software development methods under one umbrella. This paper tries to review significant issues and challenges of RE from traditional software development method to recent service oriented software development method. The study unveils that there is a wide scope for developing new approaches and techniques in requirement engineering to resolve problems observed in various SE methods. The review discussion reveals the need of standardization and automation of RE process especially for Service oriented software development.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Requirement Engineering RE phase SE methods traditional software development service oriented software development automation of RE