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Towards an Adaptive e-Learning Solution based on Ontologies and Competencies Approach

by Mohamed Ghailani, Jaber El Bouhdidi, Abdelhadi Fennan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 98 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Mohamed Ghailani, Jaber El Bouhdidi, Abdelhadi Fennan

Mohamed Ghailani, Jaber El Bouhdidi, Abdelhadi Fennan . Towards an Adaptive e-Learning Solution based on Ontologies and Competencies Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 98, 21 ( July 2014), 42-51. DOI=10.5120/17311-7796

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This paper presents a novel solution for modeling professional bimodal hybrid training based on the ontological engineering and the pedagogical competencies approach. It is an educational solution for personalizing learning under the frame of vocational trainings and providing learners two learning scenarios: The first is called free, where the learner can choose a competency level that he aims to develop. And the second is called guided, where the learner must obey the instructions of the system to develop his competencies as part of a Certificate or diploma training. This solution fits in the context of the development of Adaptive Learning Systems. It is based on the principle of dynamic composition of learning units and the choice of integration situations to deliver learning sessions to meet the needs of learners and reflect their preferences for learning styles. In addition, and to create a coherent model, we used the example of the Regional Centers of trades, education and training of Morocco (CRMEF) to train future teachers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ontologies Professional Hybrid Bimodal Training Competencies approach learning scenarios.