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Stochastic Heuristic Optimization based Multi-Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Network using Genetic Algorithm

by S. Antony Alice Jeya Bharathi, K. Alagarsamy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 97 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: S. Antony Alice Jeya Bharathi, K. Alagarsamy

S. Antony Alice Jeya Bharathi, K. Alagarsamy . Stochastic Heuristic Optimization based Multi-Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Network using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 97, 5 ( July 2014), 9-15. DOI=10.5120/17002-7147

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Wireless Sensor Network is an infrastructure comprising of sensing, and computing. The communication elements in sensor network give capability to instrument, watch, and respond to events and phenomenon in a particular situation. Query processing in sensor network first transfers the query generated position to the node where the result obtained is similar to this query. Collaborative Query-Centric Framework (COSE) heterogeneous sensor networks are effectual and well-organized for processing of queries. Query processing with respect to energy efficiency attain single pipeline of query processing but fails to address the issues related to multiple pipeline of query processing. COSE major drawback is that it is unable to attain an optimal solution for multiple pipelines. Next, Pocket Driven Trajectories (PDT) algorithm monitors the query processing based on spatial layout of the selected nodes. PDT algorithm efficiently adapts to different types of data collection paths but not effective for multicast query phase. To develop a multiple query processing strategy in wireless sensor network, Stochastic Heuristic Optimization using Genetic Algorithm (SHO-GA) is introduced. The SHO-GA framework process the multiple query plans based on the closeness of nodes required to answer the user query. The multi-query processing using Genetic Algorithm (GA) takes the associations with FROM clause and other multiple query operators. The SHO-GA framework carries the probability of crossover, mutation and the pre-specified number of generations as input, and produces the top 'n' multi-query processing as output. The stochastic heuristic optimization fitness value provides the best fit chromosome to find the improvement in its query processing parameters. The stochastic heuristic for multi-query called base station optimization (BSO) eliminates the redundancy from the original set. The multi-query plans processed involve minimum processing time for answering the user query leading to efficient query processing sensor network system. Experimental evaluation is performed on factors such as average processing cost, cumulative distribution, multi-query processing time, query answer transmitted speed, query processing delay and user accessibility level.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Sensor Network Genetic Algorithm Multi-Query Processing Plans Formation FROM clause Crossover Mutation rate