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Proposed E-Health Service Model by using Smart Phone Apps for Uttarakhand

by Mukesh Joshi, Durgesh Pant
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 97 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Mukesh Joshi, Durgesh Pant

Mukesh Joshi, Durgesh Pant . Proposed E-Health Service Model by using Smart Phone Apps for Uttarakhand. International Journal of Computer Applications. 97, 19 ( July 2014), 14-17. DOI=10.5120/17114-7532

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title = { Proposed E-Health Service Model by using Smart Phone Apps for Uttarakhand },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
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month = { July },
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For E-HEALTH initiatives in Uttarakhand the proposed E-HEALTH service model may allow better sharing of health information among multiple government departments, locally as well as at a distant location. But without coordination of different departments in Uttarakhand we cannot setup good e-health solutions. Priorities of Uttarakhand government for providing E-HEALTH facilities to rural areas are yet to be fulfilled. At present stage less budget from state government for health, and lack of coordination have triggered down trend in health services in rural and hilly areas of Uttarakhand This paper reviews use of ICT applications at different locations in our country and also try to provide a model for Uttarakhand province. Some suggested services using ICT and smart phone apps in healthcare are explained in this paper also. Use of smart phone apps to communicate health associated alerts using SMS services and collect information from rural areas suggested here in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-HEALTH Smart Phone Apps Uttarakhand