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Comparison of Various Outdoor Propagation Models with Empirical Data Collection using TEMS 10.0.5 for DIT University, Dehradun

by Govind Sati, Sonika Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 97 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Govind Sati, Sonika Singh

Govind Sati, Sonika Singh . Comparison of Various Outdoor Propagation Models with Empirical Data Collection using TEMS 10.0.5 for DIT University, Dehradun. International Journal of Computer Applications. 97, 10 ( July 2014), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/17041-7349

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An exact radio propagation model is important for coping up with new challenges in the field of communication like: appropriate design, deployment and service management strategies for any wireless network. Analysis of outdoor propagation models is important for the purpose of signal coverage prediction, data reception analysis of performance parameters like Rx Lev, Rx Qual, FER, BER, reception schemes, and analysis of signal attenuation under different environments and in the determination of the optimum location for the purpose of installation of base stations. The aim of this work is to carry out a comparative study of different outdoor propagation models with respect to empirical data collected from DIT University (formally Dehradun Institute of Technology), Dehradun by drive testing using TEMS Investigation tools at 1. 8GHz. This study involves obtaining the mean received power distribution at specified receiver distance from the respective GSM base station. The measurement process was based on signal strength measurement and the study revealed that out of all the outdoor propagation models. Only COST Hata model, COST Hata W-B model and Ericsson model approximated the measurement characteristics and hence they can be deployed for network planning in this region. Measurement process of signal strength and data collection methodology also discuss in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Path loss MapInfo TEMS Drive testing Outdoor propagation models.