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Improved Exemplar based Image Inpainting using Structure Tensor

by Ankur G. Patel, Shashwat Kumar, Ankit D. Prajapati
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 96 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Ankur G. Patel, Shashwat Kumar, Ankit D. Prajapati

Ankur G. Patel, Shashwat Kumar, Ankit D. Prajapati . Improved Exemplar based Image Inpainting using Structure Tensor. International Journal of Computer Applications. 96, 15 ( June 2014), 9-14. DOI=10.5120/16868-6763

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title = { Improved Exemplar based Image Inpainting using Structure Tensor },
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%T Improved Exemplar based Image Inpainting using Structure Tensor
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Image Inpainting is technique in which mainly used to filling the region which are damaged and want to recover from unwanted object by collecting the information from the neighbouring pixels. Image inpainting technique has been widely used for reconstructing damaged old photographs and removing unwanted objects from images. In this paper, we present an improved Exemplar based Structure tensor inpainting method based on the exemplar-based image inpainting technique by modifying the distance function. The method proved to be effective in removing large objects from an image, ensuring accurate propagation of linear structures, and eliminating the drawback of "garbage growing" which is a common problem in other methods. Experimental results show that our method improves the quality of image inpainting compared with the conventional exemplar-based image completion algorithms.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Exemplar Texture Synthesis Inpainting PDE image gradient structure tensor etc.