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An Investigation into the Central Data Warehouse based Association Rule Mining

by Gurpreet Singh Bhamra, Anil Kumar Verma, Ram Bahadur Patel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 96 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Gurpreet Singh Bhamra, Anil Kumar Verma, Ram Bahadur Patel

Gurpreet Singh Bhamra, Anil Kumar Verma, Ram Bahadur Patel . An Investigation into the Central Data Warehouse based Association Rule Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 96, 10 ( June 2014), 1-12. DOI=10.5120/16827-6592

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Data Mining(DM) technique is used to mine interesting hidden knowledge from large databases using various computational techniques/ tools. Association Rule Mining(ARM) today is one of the most important aspects of DM tasks. In ARM all the strong association rules are generated from the Frequent Itemsets. In this study a central Data Warehouse based client-server model for ARM is designed, implemented and tested. The Outcome of this investigation and the advantages of software agents forms the base and motivation of using software agent technology in Distributed Data Mining.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Warehouse Frequent Itemsets Association Rule Mining