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An Examination of Network Intrusion Detection System Tools and Algorithms: A Review

by Jyoti Harbola, Kunwar Singh Vaisla, Aditya Harbola
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 95 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Jyoti Harbola, Kunwar Singh Vaisla, Aditya Harbola

Jyoti Harbola, Kunwar Singh Vaisla, Aditya Harbola . An Examination of Network Intrusion Detection System Tools and Algorithms: A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 95, 6 ( June 2014), 32-35. DOI=10.5120/16600-6413

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Nowadays secured information communication has becoming at risk. Millions of users using the Internet at any instant of time and taking full use of the application's, services. DDoS flooding attacks are complex attempts to block the legitimate users. The Attacker normally gains access to a large number of computers by breaching their security loopholes and then they launch their attack to the target machine by these compromised machines. Intrusion Detection Systems have gained quick growth in command, scope and complexity. All IDS share an analogous primary structure: agents. Modern boost in malevolent network activity have hurried the need for IDS with global scope. A single IDS power can be grown by connecting an attack relationship engine with a database of events collected by distributed agents. This will help to provide global and single view of existing and rising attacks and will allow fast warning and ease development of countermeasures. A large number of distributed IDS with global and wide scope have been active for several years; three of these are discussed and compared with each other in this paper.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DDOS Network attacks IDS IDS algorithms IDS tools