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An Exhaustive Survey on Physical Node Capture Attack in WSN

by Bhavana Butani, Piyush Kumar Shukla, Sanjay Silakari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 95 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Bhavana Butani, Piyush Kumar Shukla, Sanjay Silakari

Bhavana Butani, Piyush Kumar Shukla, Sanjay Silakari . An Exhaustive Survey on Physical Node Capture Attack in WSN. International Journal of Computer Applications. 95, 3 ( June 2014), 32-39. DOI=10.5120/16577-6265

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%A Sanjay Silakari
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Node capture attack is one of the most dreadful security attack exist in wireless sensor networks. An adversary steals cryptographic key information from a captured node to compromise entire network. So, Security of wireless sensor network is an important issue for maintaining confidentiality and integrity of wireless links. Now-a-days, researchers are paying attention towards developing security schemes against Node capture attack. Our survey provides deep insights of existing modeling techniques of node capture attack in wireless sensor network. It also analyzes various detection and key predistribution schemes for inventing a new scheme to improve resilience against node capture attack. .

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Wireless Sensor Network Node Capture Attack security Key predistribution VANET.