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Analysis of Performance Parameters for Microstrip Antenna using Novel Hybridization Method

by Mithila R. Ghuge, A. P. Khedkar, Prathmesh U. Indulkar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 95 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Mithila R. Ghuge, A. P. Khedkar, Prathmesh U. Indulkar

Mithila R. Ghuge, A. P. Khedkar, Prathmesh U. Indulkar . Analysis of Performance Parameters for Microstrip Antenna using Novel Hybridization Method. International Journal of Computer Applications. 95, 19 ( June 2014), 25-31. DOI=10.5120/16704-6850

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title = { Analysis of Performance Parameters for Microstrip Antenna using Novel Hybridization Method },
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%A Mithila R. Ghuge
%A A. P. Khedkar
%A Prathmesh U. Indulkar
%T Analysis of Performance Parameters for Microstrip Antenna using Novel Hybridization Method
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In the recent era of wireless communication, Microstrip antenna (MSA) is hot research topic attracting attentions of many researchers. But MSAs have few foremost drawbacks viz narrow impedance Axial Ratio Bandwidth (A. R. BW), low gain and power handling capability. To overcome these drawbacks, novel hybridization method is proposed. A hybridization method includes array method, parasitic patch on superstrate cover and multi stacking instead of the conventional superstrate cover. To achieve the high efficiency, air is used as dielectric medium between feed patch and ground plane as well as between superstrate and feed patch. Due to low cost, availability and ease of fabrication FR4 material is used as superstrate. Proposed system is implemented using FR4 and the results of simulation clearly indicate parametric variations for the various hybrid methods.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Array method gain enhancement hybridization microstrip antenna superstrate cover