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Development of Morphological Analyzer for Hindi

by Mayuri Rastogi, Pooja Khanna
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 95 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Mayuri Rastogi, Pooja Khanna

Mayuri Rastogi, Pooja Khanna . Development of Morphological Analyzer for Hindi. International Journal of Computer Applications. 95, 17 ( June 2014), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/16683-6799

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One of the important phase of Natural language Processing is Morphological Analysis that helps in work of machine translation. Effective implementation of morphological analyzer can be seen in language which is rich in morphemes. Hindi being an inflected language has capability of generating hundreds of words from the root word. It is morphologically rich language, due to wide variety of words available in Hindi. This paper is primarily concerned with the design of a morphological analyzer for Hindi language. The input to this analyzer will be a Hindi word or sentence and after doing the proper analysis it will return the root word along with its feature as output. The features will have categories like part of speech, gender, number, and person. Two approaches will be followed by analyzer-rule based and corpus based. Till now none of the developed morphological analyzers have worked for both inflectional and derivational morphemes.

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  7. Gill Mandeep Singh, Lehal gurpreet Singh, Joshi S. S. ,"A full form Lexicon Based Morphological Analysis and Generation tool", Punjabi International Journal of Cybermatics and Informatics, Hyderabad, India. October 2007, pp 38.
  8. Omkar N. Koul, "Modern Hindi Grammar", Dunwoody Press, USA, 2008.
  9. LTRC, IIIT Hyderabad http://ltrc. iiit. ac. in
  10. Teena Bajaj, Prateek Bhatia, "Semi supervised learning Approach of Hindi Morphology", All India Conferences on Advances in Communication Computers, Control and Knowledge Management (AICACCC-KM), Bahadurgarh ,Feb,2008.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Morpheme inflected root word corpus.