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Multilevel Security and its Application to Enhance Data Protection

by Arush Kamboj, Ravi Bisla, N. Naveen Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 95 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Arush Kamboj, Ravi Bisla, N. Naveen Kumar

Arush Kamboj, Ravi Bisla, N. Naveen Kumar . Multilevel Security and its Application to Enhance Data Protection. International Journal of Computer Applications. 95, 13 ( June 2014), 32-33. DOI=10.5120/16656-6635

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title = { Multilevel Security and its Application to Enhance Data Protection },
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A vast amount of information available on the internet along with the increased use of internet as a communication medium served a great deal in making the information available vulnerable. The number as well as the technique of attacks has become more and more sophisticated with time. This paper focuses on developing a multilevel security system (layers of cryptography combined with steganography) in order to achieve maximum security. The level of security is maximized by encrypting the information at different level and then using steganographic techniques to hide the information (be it a text or a multimedia file) inside multimedia file such as image, an audio file or a video file. The bits of a file are manipulated at each level. The change in the quality as well as size of the file is minimized by carefully choosing the unused area of the file or the least significant one. The paper explains this multilayered system by hiding an encrypted image, which further contains an encrypted text message, inside a video.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences
