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Reseach Article

Automatic Testing of AJAX Applications through Dynamic Analysis of User Interface State Change

by Swapnil S. Mane, Amol B. Rajmane
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 95 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Swapnil S. Mane, Amol B. Rajmane

Swapnil S. Mane, Amol B. Rajmane . Automatic Testing of AJAX Applications through Dynamic Analysis of User Interface State Change. International Journal of Computer Applications. 95, 11 ( June 2014), 12-16. DOI=10.5120/16637-6601

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author = { Swapnil S. Mane, Amol B. Rajmane },
title = { Automatic Testing of AJAX Applications through Dynamic Analysis of User Interface State Change },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { June 2014 },
volume = { 95 },
number = { 11 },
month = { June },
year = { 2014 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
pages = { 12-16 },
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%T Automatic Testing of AJAX Applications through Dynamic Analysis of User Interface State Change
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The growing popularity and importance of web applications have been increasing continuously in recent years. Use of JAVASCRIPT and dynamic DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation on the client side of web applications is becoming a widespread approach for achieving rich interactivity and responsiveness in modern web applications. AJAX (Asynchronous JAVASCRIPT and XML) based web applications rely on asynchronous client-server communication and client-side runtime manipulation of the DOM tree. This not only makes them fundamentally different from traditional web applications but also make them more error prone and harder to test. The proposed method for testing automatically AJAX application is based on a crawler to infer a state-flow graph for all client-side user interface states of an AJAX application. Focus is on obtaining a model by "crawling" an AJAX application, automatically clicking buttons and other user interface elements. In order to recognize failures in executions, use of invariants are proposed [1]. These invariants can be generic (e. g. , after any client-side change the DOM should remain W3C-compliant valid HTML) or application-specific (e. g. , the home-button in any state should lead back to the starting state).

  1. Ali Mesbah, Member, IEEE Computer Society,Arie van Deursen, Member, IEEE Computer Society, and Danny Roest " Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of Modern Web Applications" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 38, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012.
  2. A. Mesbah and A. van Deursen, "Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of Ajax User Interfaces," Proc. IEEE 31st Int'l Conf. Software Eng. , pp. 210-220, 2009.
  3. A. Mesbah, E. Bozdag, and A. van Deursen, "Crawling Ajax by Inferring User Interface State Changes," Proc. Eighth Int'l Conf. WebEng. , pp. 122-134, 2008.
  4. M. Benedikt, J. Freire, and P. Godefroid, "VeriWeb: Automatically Testing Dynamic WebSites," Proc. 11th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web, pp. 654-668, 2002.
  5. Ali Mesbah, Arie van Deursen, and Stefan Lenselink "Crawling Ajax-based Web Applications through Dynamic Analysis of User Interface State Changes" Report TUD-SERG-2011-033.
  6. Cristian Duda , Gianni Frey, Donald Kossmann , Reto Matter, Chong Zhou , ETH Zurich, Switzerland "AJAX Crawl: Making AJAX Applications Searchable" IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering 2009. Web Information and Data Management (WIDM'04). ACM Press, New York, NY, 9–15.
  7. LAGE, J. P. , DA SILVA, A. S. , GOLGHER, P. B. , AND LAENDER, A. H. F. 2004. Automatic generation of agents for collecting hidden Webpages for data extraction. Data Knowl. Eng. 49, 2, 177–196.
  8. Y. W. Huang, C. H. Tsai, T. P. Lin, S. K. Huang, D. T. Lee, and S. Y. Kuo, "A Testing Framework for Web Application Security Assessment," J. Computer Networks, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 739-761,2005.
  9. A. Marchetto, P. Tonella, and F. Ricca, "State-Based Testing of Ajax Web Applications," Proc. IEEE First Int'l Conf. Software Testing Verification and Validation, pp. 121-130, 2008.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Crawler event traditional modern testing