International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 94 - Number 4 |
Year of Publication: 2014 |
Authors: Leandro Zambrano Mendez, Alejandro Rosete Suarez, Humberto Diaz Pando |
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Leandro Zambrano Mendez, Alejandro Rosete Suarez, Humberto Diaz Pando . A Review of the Autonomic Computing Models and Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 94, 4 ( May 2014), 14-18. DOI=10.5120/16330-5605
Todaymore and morebusiness processesof companiesrely on theirinfrastructureICT (Information Technology and Communications). Along with thisbusiness evolution andthe broader economicenvironment, these computing infrastructureshave grown exponentiallyinthe storagecapacityandeaseand accessibilityfromanywhere in the worldusing multiple devices. However, thisdevelopment has notbeen accomplished bysimilar advancesin the operationof these infrastructures, on the contrary way; infrastructures have becomeincreasingly complexto manage. The complexitythat has achieved the systems and communicationsinfrastructureof anycompany makestheir management isvery complicated andresource intensive, which ultimately impactingnegatively the bottom lineof the companyand thereforeits abilityto develop the expected business. Autonomic Computingis a conceptthat brings togethermany fieldsof computer science,in order tocreatecomputing systemsthat are selfmanaged. In this study, a preview of the state of the art on this topic shows. To this end, offers first an introduction to the motivation and concepts of autonomic computing. This study raises somebenefits and features ofthis proposal, as well as some properties oftheself. In addition present some of the main applications of autonomic computing.