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An Association Rule Mining Model for Finding the Interesting Patterns in Stock Market Dataset

by Sachin Kamley, Shailesh Jaloree, R. S. Thakur
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 93 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Sachin Kamley, Shailesh Jaloree, R. S. Thakur

Sachin Kamley, Shailesh Jaloree, R. S. Thakur . An Association Rule Mining Model for Finding the Interesting Patterns in Stock Market Dataset. International Journal of Computer Applications. 93, 9 ( May 2014), 11-20. DOI=10.5120/16242-5792

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In these days, stock market forecasting is one of the most interesting issues, which has gained a more attention due to vast profits. To precisely predict the price of share and making profits has been always challenging task since the longest period of time. This has engrossed the interest and attention of stock brokers, economists and applied researchers. Traditional methods like Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis, and Regression methods are not suitable for this task because these tools and techniques are based on totally different analytical approaches and requiring highly expertise and justification in the area. In this sequence, Association Rule Mining is one of the most interesting research areas for finding the associations, correlations among items in a database. It can discover all useful patterns from stock market dataset. The aim of this research study is to help stock brokers, investors so that they can earn maximum profits for each trading.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Stock Market Data Mining Prediction BSE Association Rule Mining Frequent Pattern SAS 9. 2.