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Framework for Enhancing Requirements Engineering Processes: A Conceptual view of Health Information System

by Ishaya Gambo, Abimbola Soriyan, Rhoda Ikono
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 93 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Ishaya Gambo, Abimbola Soriyan, Rhoda Ikono

Ishaya Gambo, Abimbola Soriyan, Rhoda Ikono . Framework for Enhancing Requirements Engineering Processes: A Conceptual view of Health Information System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 93, 2 ( May 2014), 19-26. DOI=10.5120/16188-5284

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Requirements engineering (RE) involves understanding the needs of stakeholders, the contexts in which the to-be-developed software will be used; analysing, negotiating, and documenting the stakeholders' requirements; and managing requirement evolution. This is achieved through a process called requirement engineering process. Therefore, the ability to improve software products in order to meet the needs of these stakeholders within today's challenging and fast-paced environment is a great concern in the software development industries. This paper is aimed at presenting an enhanced framework for reasoning about RE process in terms of skill enhancement within the scope of software engineering (SE) and information system development (ISD) using the health information system (HIS) as an example to conceptualize the idea. The paper justifies requirement engineering as a process like all other SE and ISD activities to be adapted to the needs of the processes, the products, the projects and the people doing the work in a conceptual framework for quality improvement. The paper conceptualized this by considering the university as the domain where information system, software system, and healthcare research is carried out for knowledge acquisition that proffers solutions to the software organisations where skills are enhanced. This is with the view to improve the customer organisations where the products, processes and services are used. The framework strive to suggest the enhancement of RE process skills to what the stakeholders wants, which serve to establish a solid foundation for the design and construction of what the stakeholders' gets. As such, a framework to enhance the ability to develop software products for the healthcare domain with the aim of meeting the needs of all system stakeholders and to ensure that the development process is going on the right tract is very important.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Requirements Requirements Engineering Process Health Information System MINPHIS.