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Measuring Software Security using MACOQR (Misuse and Abuse Case Oriented Quality Requirement) Metrics: Defensive Perspective

by C. Banerjee, Arpita Banerjee, P. D. Murarka
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 93 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: C. Banerjee, Arpita Banerjee, P. D. Murarka

C. Banerjee, Arpita Banerjee, P. D. Murarka . Measuring Software Security using MACOQR (Misuse and Abuse Case Oriented Quality Requirement) Metrics: Defensive Perspective. International Journal of Computer Applications. 93, 18 ( May 2014), 47-54. DOI=10.5120/16439-6213

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The present age, software is exploited and the understanding of increasing extent of risk exposure as a result is rarely developed. Security should be incorporate right from the requirements phase so that the security is inbuilt and properly incorporated into the software in development. To establish the fact that a process is improving or not is a matter that seems impossible without obtaining the measurements. Security requirements can be defined and developed using a no. of techniques like fault tree analysis, failure mode and effect analysis, threat modeling, misuse / abuse cases, attack tree etc. The obtained requirements are qualitative hence they needs to be converted into quantitative measure using some metrics. Security metrics is defined as quantifiable measures which show how much security a product or process simply possess and is normally built from the low level physical measures and at high level they can be considered as quantifiable measurements of some aspect of the system. Certain Object Oriented modeling techniques like Misuse case, Use case Abuse case are very helpful in incorporating security requirements in the early stages of software development phases. ie requirement phase. In this paper, MACOQR metrics from defensive perspective is proposed whose aim is to measure the predicated and observed ratio of flaw and flawlessness in modeling of misuse cases during requirements engineering phase. The measures and ratios obtained may help the requirements engineering team to plan eliminate defects of misuse case modeling during the requirements engineering phase.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software Security Security Requirements Requirements Engineering Security Metrics Software Metrics Software Security Metrics.