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FISM and FMICMAC Analysis on Enablers of Cloud Computing

by Ambika Devi Amma. T, Radhika. N, Pramod. V. R
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 91 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Ambika Devi Amma. T, Radhika. N, Pramod. V. R

Ambika Devi Amma. T, Radhika. N, Pramod. V. R . FISM and FMICMAC Analysis on Enablers of Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 91, 6 ( April 2014), 9-16. DOI=10.5120/15884-4538

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Cloud computing is an automatic multitenant pay-as-you go service accessed through web browsers. . The main services of cloud computing are software as a service, infrastructure as a service and platform as a service. These services are very much helpful and beneficial to IT organizations undergoing severe budgetary constraints. In this paper the major enablers of cloud computing services are taken by discussing with experts and through literature survey. An interrelation ship among the enablers are done with FISM(Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling and FMICMAC(Fuzzy MICMAC) analysis. An initial reachability set is constructed from structural self interaction matrix (SSIM) and final reachability set by considering a scale 0-1 instead of binary condition. Enablers chosen are classified into four clusters based on their driving power and dependence power. From MATLAB FISM model is derived. This paper highlights the most sensitive enablers of cloud computing services.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud fuzzy ISM fuzzy MICMAC SSIM driving power dependence power.