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Performance Comparison of CDR-MAC at Linear and Random Topology for Wireless Ad Hoc Network

by Md. Jahangeer Alam, Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Khwaja Mohammad Athar, Zafrul Hasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 91 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Md. Jahangeer Alam, Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Khwaja Mohammad Athar, Zafrul Hasan

Md. Jahangeer Alam, Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Khwaja Mohammad Athar, Zafrul Hasan . Performance Comparison of CDR-MAC at Linear and Random Topology for Wireless Ad Hoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 91, 14 ( April 2014), 26-29. DOI=10.5120/15950-5302

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In this paper we compare the performance of Circular Directional RTS MAC (CDR-MAC) protocol at linear and random topology for wireless ad hoc network. We know that directional antenna gives higher transmission range than that of omni-directional antenna due to its higher gain. Most of the existing research on Directional MAC the nodes of the network distributed in random manner. Although with directional antenna we get better spatial reuse than that of omni-directional antenna in the network as well as higher transmission range. However, in linear topology, the network performance is degrades because large area blocks due to higher transmission range. We implement the Circular Directional RTS MAC (CDR MAC) protocol in OPNET 14. 5 simulation tool and design two scenario for linear and random topology.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Directional antenna Circular RTS WLAN Ad-hoc network Linear Topology Random Topology. .